An accurate attendance and time tracking system helps to save time and effort in calculating your user's working hours. In this section we can track the attendance of the user in daily and monthly basis as per there shifts.
To track the attendance the user should mark the availabilty status on Chakra. The user can do that by the below steps:
- Login to their Chakra account.
- Mark the availabilty status as 'Available' to capture the attendance
- The time when the users marks himself as 'Available' is captured considered as First Check-in or Login time
- The time when the user mark himself as 'Not Available' is captured as Last Check-out or Logout time.
Admin users can track the attendace of other users in the Attendance Reports section. They can track it as per daily or in monthly basis.
We can track the attendace of the user by selecting the required date.Below are the steps to track the attendance on daily basis:
- Go to Admin --> Attendance
- In the Daily tab, select the required date from 'Choose Date'.
- The report will be visible user wise.
Columns understanding:
- User: User column will have the username
- First Check In: This data is the time cpatured when the user first time marked himself as 'Available' for that day
- Last Check Out: This data is the time cpatured when the user last time marked himself as 'Not Available' for that day.
- Total Time (hh:mm): This is the total hours calculated from the First Check In and Last Check Out.
- Check In Deviation: If the Check In Deviation is in negavtive (orange colour) that means the user logged in on Chakra with +hh:mm late as per his shift and if its in positive (green colour) that means the user logged in on Chakra with +hh:mm early as per his shift
- Check Out Deviation: If the Check Out Deviation is in negavtive (orange colour) that means the user logged out on Chakra with +hh:mm early as per his shift and if its in positive (green colour) that means the user logged out on Chakra with +hh:mm late as per his shift
- Shift: Shift is the