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Configure A Chat Trigger

Chat triggers are keywords when sent by your customer can trigger a certain automation / chatbot. The list of chat triggers can be found here - Admin > Chat Settings > Chat Triggers

Create Chat Trigger

Click "Create Chat Trigger" on the right side above the list. This creates a new chat trigger for you.

Add keywords

You can add multiple keywords for a chat trigger. Add multiple options by clicking the button "Add Another". Please note that keywords are matched in a case insensitive way - so you don't need to add variations by case

Chose Matching Strategy

By default the entirety of the an inbound message is matched with the keywords to identify a matching trigger.

But you can configure other strategies too:

  • Exact Match - Message should match exactly with the keywords in a case insensitive way
  • Starts With - Message should start with one of the keywords. This matching is also case insensitive


Once a keyword matches a certain trigger, all the actions configured against a trigger will be executed one after the other.

To add a new action click "Add Another". A new action block will be created.

You can configure the following types of actions

  • Assign a chatbot - Starts the configured chatbot for the given chat
  • Update linked process - you can use regex to extract some information from the chat message like a url or a code and save it against a linked lead or ticket
  • Assign chat - Assigns or re-assigns the current chat to the configured user
  • Update Chat - You can use regex to extract some information from the chat message like a url or a code and save it against a custom chat attribute


Always remember to click Save to save any changes made to the trigger