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How to setup the plugin for Facebook ad leads?

Data from Facebok can be ingested on Chakra using the Facebook Leads plugin. The integration works in realtime, so whenever a form is filled on the Unbounce landing page, a new entry will be created on Chakra.

Part 1: Create Facebook Lead Plugin on Chakra

The plugin can be created by following these steps:

  1. Go to Admin --> Plugins.
  2. Click on Add Plugin and search for Facebook Leads plugin.
  3. Click on the Facebook Leads box.
  4. In the popup that opens, provide the Plugin Name and click Submit.


Part 2: Grant Facebook Permissions

After creating the plugin, we need to grant the permissions on facebook in order to create the lead on Chakra directly through Facebook. That can be done by:

  1. After the plugin is created, the plugin details page opens up.
  2. Click on Continue with Facebook button
  3. In the popup, select the Facebook page you want to link & click Next
  4. Click on Done.
  5. Click on OK in the confirmation section
  6. Wait for the linked pages to get listed.
  7. Enable Pages: Select the checkbox against the page you want Chakra to subscribe leads for


Part 3: Configure how a lead is handled on Chakra

To handle the behaviour of the lead on Chakra from Facebook , below steps needs to be followed:

  1. Click on Add Another
  2. Add Order as 1
  3. Select pages: < Your Page >
  4. Select Action as Create Process
  5. Select Procedure as Lead. Here Lead is the name of the procedure where you want the facebook leads to be created


  1. Select State as NEW
  2. Facebook Field Mappings - Here you need to map the fields which are there in your facebook to that on Chakra. For Eg: Email <> Email : Here first Email is the Facebook attribute and the second the attribute on Chakra Full Name <> Customer Name : Here Full Name is the Facebook attribute and Customer Name the attribute on Chakra


  1. Set Plugin as Active by using toggle option and click on Save


Part 4: Create Test Lead

Below are the steps to create a test lead on through the plugin:

  1. Click on Open Lead Ads Testing Tool button, a New Tab will get opened
  2. Select the Page and the Form


  1. Click on Preview form in the Form section
  2. Fill in the Lead form values. It should have Email & Full Name since we configured those in the earlier step.
  3. Click Nextand then click Submit.
  4. Click Cancel and then click on Track Status


Part 5: To validate the created test lead

To validate the test lead:

  1. Go back to the Chakra tab
  2. Select Leads ( procedure which you selected to flow the facebook leads on Chakra) from the side-nav
  3. You should see the newly created test lead in the process list
  4. You can go to lead details page (By clicking on the link in lead id) to see more details
