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How to setup the plugin for Unbounce Forms?

Data from Unbounce can be ingested on Chakra using the Unbounce plugin. The integration works in realtime, so whenever a form is filled on the Unbounce landing page, a new entry will be created on Chakra.

Part 1: Create Unbounce Integration Plugin on Chakra

The plugin can be created by following these steps:

  1. Go to Admin --> Plugins.
  2. Click on Add Plugin and search for unbounce plugin.
  3. Click on the Unbounce box.
  4. In the popup that opens, provide the Plugin Name and click Submit.


  1. After the plugin is created, the plugin details page opens up. It has the Webhook URL. Copy this Webhook URL, we will need it when we are configuring the Unbounce app.


Part 2: Enabling Webhook on Unbounce

We need to add the copied Chakra Webhook URL to the Unbounce app. Follow these steps to add the Webhook URL:

  1. Login to Unbounce app.
  2. Go to Pages and select the page which you want to integrate with Chakra.
  3. Go to the Integrations section and then select Webhooks.
  4. Click on Add WebHook


  1. In the Add a Webhook popup that opens up, fill these values: a. Choose a URL to POST form data to: Enter the Chakra Webhook URL copied that was copied in Part 1. unbounce_4.png

    b. Map Fields: This is optional and can be left as is.

  2. Click Save Changes

The Chakra Webhook URL has now been added to the page on Unbounce.

Part 3: Mapping Unbounce Fields to Chakra Attributes on Chakra App

We need to define how the lead should get created on Chakra. For this, we need to select the procedure and the correct attribute mapping. Follow these steps for this:

  1. Go to Admin --> Plugins.
  2. Select the Unbounce Integration plugin which was created in Part 1.
  3. Under Chakra Configuration section select the Procedure in which the lead should be created.
  4. Under Unbounce Field Mapping section add the field mappings between Unbounce fields and Chakra procedure attributes.
  5. Click Save Changes.


Part 4: Activate the Plugin on Chakra App

Everything is set up now, to start getting the leads on Chakra, mark the plugin as active.
