Setup a WhatsApp widget on your website
You can configure a WhatsApp chat widget button on your website or landing page using Chakra's embed widget.
Widget with Pop Up
This widget configuration shows a brief CTA popup before redirecting the customer to your WhatsApp chat. Copy the script below and put it at the end of your landing page / website home page.
Following customization parameters are available
- phoneNumber - add your business's WhatsApp phone number here
- welcomeText - The popup welcome text
- customerMessage - The first message taht will be popualted in the customer's WhatsApp input box
- ctaText - The text of the button on the popup
- brandName - Your brand's name. This is optional
- brandIconUrl - Your brand icon's url. This is optional
- primaryColor - the color of the initial WhatsApp icon
window.ChakraChatWidgetSettings = {
widgetType: 'whatsapp',
chatLauncherConfig: {
// primaryColor: '#13c2c2',
whatsappWidget: {
phoneNumber: '+91**01258455',
theme: 'classic',
classic: {
welcomeText: 'Do you have more questions?',
// brandName: 'ChakraHQ', // optional
// brandIconUrl: '', // optional
customerMessage: 'Tell me more',
ctaText: 'Chat Now'
<script type="text/javascript" async defer src=""></script>
Widget without a Pop Up
This widget configuration creates a WhatsApp button that takes a user directly to your business's WhatsApp number. Copy the script below and put it at the end of your landing page / website home page.
The following customization parameters are available
- phoneNumber - add your business's WhatsApp phone number here
- customerMessage - The first message taht will be popualted in the customer's WhatsApp input box
- primaryColor - the color of the initial WhatsApp icon
window.ChakraChatWidgetSettings = {
widgetType: 'whatsapp',
chatLauncherConfig: {
// primaryColor: '#13c2c2',
whatsappWidget: {
phoneNumber: '9901258433',
theme: 'buttonOnly',
buttonOnly: {
customerMessage: 'Tell me more'
<script type="text/javascript" async defer src=""></script>