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Add an update lead step

You can add an "update lead" step to update fields/attributes of a lead. This is usually helpful to take feedback from a campaign and store it back in the lead.

Lets solve a sample usecase for the same. Lets say at the end of a drip campaign, if you want to change the state of the lead to a custom state "Drip Campaign Done".

  • At the end of the campaign steps, click + button
  • Click "Update Lead"
  • This will create a new "Update Lead" step and open its configuration drawer
  • In the configuration drawer, click "Add Field Definition" under Process Definition
  • Select 'State' as the value for the Field selector
  • Select your custom state for the Value selector
  • Click Done button to save the step configuration
  • Click Save button on the top right corner to save the campaign

Now after all the campaign steps are completed for a lead, the state of the lead will be changed to "Drip Campaign Done"

Sample lead update step