Campaign Analytics
Campaigns have built in analytics and metrics to track progress.
Per step analytics
Every step in a campaign has the following metrics
- Completed - No. of leads that have completed this step
- Schedueld - No. of leads that are scheduled for this step
- You can view the scheduled steps, by clicking this metric and then clicking "View Scheduled Steps"
- You can cancel the scheduled steps, by clicking this metric and then clicking "Cancel Scheduled Steps"
- Processing - No. of leads for which this step is currently running
- Error - No. of leads for which this step has errored out
Summary Sidebar
The summary sidebar gives you an overall summary for this campaign.
Steps per day This graph shows the number of steps have been executed in the last 30 days. A note on the step count - If a camapign has 3 steps, and 10 leads have gone through all the 3 steps, then it results in 30 steps
- Completed - Total number of steps that have been completed
- Scheduled - Total number of leads in scheduled state in any step
- Error - Total number of steps that have errored out
Event Counts
- Email Open - Number of emails opened
- Email Click - Number of clicks originating from emails sent via campaigns
- Email Reply - Number of replies against emails sent via campaigns
- Email Bounces - Number of emails that have bounced during this campaign
- WA Sent - Number of WhatsApp messages sent
- WA Delivrd. - Percentage of WhatsApp messages that have been delivered to people's WhatsApp inbox
- WA Read - Percentage of WhatsApp messages that have been read by people. Note if people do not have "send read receipts" feature turned on - their read event will not be tracked
Event Stats
This section shows a drill down report of all event counts.
This section shows the history of all steps executed against any lead