Verify WhatsApp Account Setup
Check Statuses
Ensure that in the WhatsApp plugin page, you are seeing success tags against all possible sections. Following are all the expected values
WhatsApp Phone Number
- Status: Connected
- Is Code Verified: Verified
- Is Cloud API Enabled: Yes
Message Status
- Overall Status: AVAILABLE
- Phone Number: AVAILABLE
- Business: AVAILABLE
Test Inbound Messages
At this point you can test incoming messages by sending a message to your business WhatsApp number from any other personal phone number. If everything is setup perfectly you should see this message in your chat dashboard.
If you do not see new messages, even after refreshing your chat dashboard, please review setup steps and checks again.
Test Outbound Session Messages
After you have received an inbound chat message in the previous step, you can reply from the ChakraHQ dashboard and this message should be delivered successfully to the originating WhatsApp number.
If the message is not sent or delivered, even after waiting a few seconds, please review setup steps and checks again.
Test Outbound Template Messages
Create a new template message as mentioned in Create A Message Template.
Then start a new chat from the chat dashboard by clicking the + button from the top of the left sidebar and click "New WhatsApp Chat". Here you will be asked to enter the destination phone number and choose a message template. Click Start Chat
after filling out all relevant details.
If you are unable to send a template message, it could be because of the following common issues
- You are on the FREE chakra plan
- You have not configured payment details in WhatsApp business manager
- Your message template is not approved