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Chat Dashboard Basics

Chat dashboard is where you can see and reply to all chats for your business. Following are the key features.

Chat List

On the left sidebar you will see a list of chats for your business. By default admins see all chats and users of roleType: USER see only chats assigned to them.

  1. Chat list actions On the top of the list, you will find a bunch of buttons:
  • Space Button - See the currently selected space - a space is a saved filter that you can create for easy access
  • Filter Button - Apply and view filters to filter out the chat list
  • Refresh Button - Reload the chat list
  • Start Chat Button - Start a new chat against a new contact
  1. Every chat snippet shows the following informtation
  • Contact Profile Photo - Profile photo of the contact. The photo will have a green badge to indicate if the chat is still open
  • Contact identifier - name or phone number for WhatsApp chats, Visitor Id for Website chats
  • Time Duration - since last message was exchanged. If you hover on this, you can find the exact time for the last message.
  • Chat Type Icon - Next to time duration snippet, you can find an icon indicating the type of chat - WhatsApp, Website Chat or Instagram Chat
  • Message Snippet - A message snippet of the last exchanged message
  • Unread message count - Count of messages that have been unread
  • Sales Inbox Icon - If the chat belongs to a specific chat inbox, you will see the icon for the same.
  • Assignee Icon - An icon showing the user assigned to this chat

Chat Details Panel

The middle panel has 3 sections

1. Top Section The top section shows contact details and has a selector for the chat's assignee. There is also a button to close a chat if a chat is open. NOTE: open/close is a Chakra feature - it helps you organize your chats. When you close a chat, a new message from your customer will start a new chat in Chakra. But from the customer's perspective will be a single chat.

2. Chat Message List Here you will see a list of all exchanged message. Each chat message shows also the message timestmap and the delivery status of the message for outbound messages.

3. Chat MEssage Input The bottom panel has an input to type and send a message. To attach rich media like photos, videos or documents you need to click the clip icon. The magic wand icon gives you access to THE AI Reply feature - where you can generate AI replies for queries raised by your customers.

Right Context Panel

The rightmost panel provides further information around the chat.

1. Chat details You can basic details about the selected chat

2. Chatbot detail You can see if any chatbot is currently assigned to this chat. You can also answers collected by any current or past chatbots in this chat.

3. Related Items This section shows you business objects like leads or tickets linked to this chat. if no objects are linked then it tries to show you recommendations for objects that might be linked by matching contact identifiers.