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Create a chatbot

Here we will outline the steps to create a simple welcome chatbot

1. Chatbots List

You can access the chatbots list section from Admin > Chat Settings > Chatbots

2. Create Chatbot

Click "Create Chatbot" to create a new chatbot. This action immediately takes you to the new chatbot builder page

3. Rename Chatbot

On the top left section, click on "Untitled Chatbot". Then remove the text and enter "Welcome Bot". Click Save from the top right section to save the new name

4. Configure starting step

There will already be a starting step on the chatbot builder, Click on the pencil icon to edit this step. Edit the text section of this step to say "Hi welcome to our business. Let me help you with your queries."

5. Question Step

Drag a "Ask a question" step from the left sidebar in to the builder panel, drop it somewhere to the right of the starting step. Then click the right most connection handle of the starting step and drag the cursor to the leftmost connection handle of the question step.

Edit this step and rename it as "Choose Department".

Under options click "Add another", this will add a new option. Rename the option as Place a new order. Click "Add another" again and rename the new option as Issue with order.

6. Build new order flow

Now add a new Ask a question step. Rename this as Collect Order Details. Edit the node and rename the question text as Please describe your requirements and we will get back to you.

Under variable name, please enter order_details

Now connect the option Place a new order from the "Chose Department" step to this new node.

7. Build Issue with order flow

Now add a new Ask a question step. Rename this as Collect Order Id. Edit the node and rename the question text as Please enter your order id and we will get back to you.

Under variable name, please enter order_id

Now connect the option Issue with order from the "Chose Department" step to this new node.

8. Final message

add a "Send a message" node to the rightmost part of the flow. connect the last 2 nodes to this node. Rename this node to "We will get back to you soon". Add the message to this node - "than you for providing the details. we will get back to you soon".

9. Click Save

Do not forget to save this chatbot by clicking on thee top save button.

10. Setup a chat trigger

Now you have create a very basic chatbot. You can configure keywords that trigger a certain chatbot for your chat. To configure a new chat trigger, go to Chat Triggers

Click "Create Chat Trigger". This creates a new chat trigger for you.

Add keyword options by clicking "Add Another", Enter the text Hi to new input box shown there. Click "Add Another again and enter text Hello to new input box.

Under "Matching Strategy" chose Starts With.

Under "Actions" click "Add Another". A new action block will be created

Under "Action Type" select "Assign to chatbot", then under Chatbot select the newly created chatbot - "Welcome Bot".

Click Save.

11. Test

Now you can test this setup by sending a text starting with Hi or Hello to your configured phone number. A few notes

  • Chat triggers keywords are case insensitive
  • once a chatbot is assigned, new chatbots will not be assigned, until the assigned chatbot has run out